Central service for all logs and metrics in AWS.
- can setup alarms
- can stop, terminate, reboot and recover EC2 instances
- can trigger Lambda or EventBride
Cloudwatch Metrics¶
- metrics for every service in AWS
- bucketet by namespaces
- a metric can has up to 10 attributes
- metrics can have timestamps
- can create dashboard
- can create custom metrics
Cloudwatch metrics streams¶
- continually stream cloudwatch metrics to
- Kinesis Firehouse
- 3rd party providers
- option to filter metrics, to just send a subset
Cloudwatch Logs¶
- Log groups (application name)
- log steam (log files, instances whitin on app, containers)
- can define log expiration days
Targets To Send Logs To¶
How to send Logs¶
- Cloudwatch Logs Angent
- Cloudwatch unified agent
- ElasticBeanstalk, collection of logs from applciation
- ECS collection from containers
- aws Lambda collection from function logs
- VPC flow logs
- APIGateway
- CloudTrail based on filter
- Route53 dns requests
- look for ip
- look for string
- can trigger cloudwatch alarmas
- query logs for dashboard
Container Insights¶
- collect and aggregate logs from containers
- ECS Fargate
- used containerized version of the container agent
Lambda Insights¶
Contributer Insights¶
- Top N Contributers to Network traffic
- identify bad hosts
Application Insights¶
- automated dashboard with monitored applications
- suport only select techstack on ec2 (java, iis, databases)
- can use additional ressources (RDS, S3, SNS ...)
- Powered by Sage maker
- reduce time to troubleshoot
- alters and findigs are sent to EventBride and SSM OpsCenter
- to s3 up to 12 hours
- api call is createexporttask
- use log sbursciptions for real tiome
Log subscriptions¶
- Uses a filter
- send to destination (e.g. Lambda )
Multi account¶
- use one central kinesis and subscriptions
Cloudwatch Agent¶
- software on ec2
- needs correct permission
Logs Agent¶
- old version
- only send to CloudWatch logs
Unified Agent¶
- collects system level metrics such as RAM processes etc
- collect logs to send to CloudWatch logs
- configuration via SSMParameterStore
- DISK (io remianing)
- NetStat
- processes
- swap space
Cloudwatch Alarams¶
- trigger notifications from any metric
- OK
- Inssufficent Data
- Alarm
- length of time to evaluate the metric
Composite Alrams¶
- multiple alarms combined (multi metric alaram)
- And or OR conditions
EC2 Instance recovery¶
- Status Check
- start recovery (move host but keep ips, metadata and placement groups)