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Could Trail for Cloud Watch

  • tracks and logs api requests within the aws account
  • used for governance, complicance, operaational auditing and risk auditing
  • can be used to trigger events on AWS EventBride
  • enabled by default
  • a trail can be one or all regions
  • stored for 90 days default
  • tranfer to S3 for longer retention

Management Events

  • Configuring Security
  • ...
  • enabled by default
  • read and write event types

Data Events

  • by default no logged
  • e.g. S3 object level activity
  • read and write event types

CloudTrail Insights Events:

  • ML
  • Detect unusal activity in write events
  • send to S3 , EventBride and cloudtrail console


  • logs are encrypted by default using KMS AWS Manged keys