Various relational databases, manged by aws.
- scaling capacity (up to set maximum storage, every 6h max, 5 mins needs to be low storage which is less than 10% remaining) this needs to be enabled.
- os patching
- no ssh
- monitoring dashboards
- multi az
- scaling capability
Read replicas¶
- up to 5 read replicas
- eventually async replication
- can be promoted to their own database
- no cross az network cost
- cross region cost per network traffic
- can be multi AZ
Multi AZ¶
- can be upgraded without downtime
- one dns name
- automatic failover to standby database by switching target ip of dns name
- sync replication
- one db will be standby
- deactive automation mode and take snapshot before modify
- automated backups will be multi region
RDS Custom¶
- only for oracle and mssql
- access to underlying database and os
- ssh possible
- if you need encrpt in transit use ssl/tls by launching the client with the --ssl_ca flag
- can use KMS to encrypt data at rest
RDS Custom for Oracle¶
- alllows customisation to host and os
- maintenence causes downtime even if the db is multi AZ
- daily full backup during maintence window
- transactions logs are backed up by rds every 5 mins
- restory any point in time (5 mins aago)
- 1 to 35 days of retention
- if multi az backups span multi region
Manual Snapshot¶
- manual trigger
- retention aas log as you want
- take snapshot and delete database
- if you want rds back just restore with snapshot
- restore mysql rds database from S3
- encrypt at rest with KMS, must be defined at launch time
- if master is not encrypted, read replicas can not be encrypted
- to change from and to encypt use snapshot
- encrypt in flight with tls root certificates client side
- can use IAM roles to connect to database instead of username and pw
- can use SecurityGroup
- audit logs can be enabled and be send to CloudWatch
RDS Proxy¶
- fully manged database proxy
- allows apps to pool and share connection established with the database which allows less connections to database
- improves database performance
- severless
- autoscalling
- high available (multi az)
- reduces rds and aurora failover time by 66%
- enforces iam auth for db and store creds in aws secrets manager
- RDS Proxy is never public and can only be used from within the vpc
Enhanced Monitoring¶
CloudWatch feature for RDS - RDS child processes - RDS processes - OS Processes