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Amazon Aurora


AWS Created custom DB tech, very high performan. Useful for global and serverless relational database applications.


  • not open source
  • MySQL and Postgre
  • global
  • self healing
  • fault tolerant
  • autoscaling up to 64 TB per instance
  • is a cluster
  • multi az
  • each az has a copy of the cluster
  • 5x faster than mysql
  • 3x fast than postgre
  • up to 15 replicas
  • faster replication
  • 20% more cost than RDS
  • restore to any point in time

Primary DB

  • read and write
  • only one per cluster
  • if fails a replica will be promoted

Aurora Replica

  • same storage as primary
  • multiple per az possible
  • only read
  • reader endpoint does load balancing
  • can enable replica autoscaling

Custom Endpoints

  • subset of aurora instances as custom endpoint(e.g. larger instance type for analytical queries)

Aurora Serverless

  • automated db instantiation and autoscaling
  • for unpredictable workloads
  • pay per second
  • client talks to aurora proxy fleet

Aurora multi master

  • all nodes are read write nodes there is no master
  • replication between all nodes
  • use for imediate failover

Global Aurora Database

  • 1 primary region for read an write
  • up to 5 secondary read regions
  • up to 16 read replicas for each read region
  • less than 1 second for replication across region

Aurora machine learing

  • ML based predications to your apps via SQL

Use cases

  • fraud detection
  • add targeting
  • sentiment analysis
  • product recommendations




  • 1 to 35 days
  • can not be disabled
  • point in time recovery in that timeframe


  • triggered by user
  • keep as long as user wants


  • into new database


  • create a new aurora cluster from a existing one
  • faster than snapshot & restore
  • cost effective
  • usful to create staging