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VPC Virtual Private Cloud


A stack of AWS ressources, more clearly the connectivity and setup options for and between these ressources.

Console Wizard


VPC with public subnet

  • single public subnet
  • internet gateway
  • recommended for simple public facing application

VPC withg public and private subnets

  • public subnet
  • private subnet
  • internet gateway
  • recommended for 2 tier application

VPC with public, private subnets and AWS Site-to-Site VPN

  • public subnet
  • private subnet
  • virtual private gatway
  • internet gateway
  • recommended to extend network into the cloud and some ressource are internet facing

VPC with private subnet and AWS Site-to-Site VPN

  • private subnet
  • virtual private gateway
  • recommended to extend private network into the cloud

VPC Endpoint

  • privatly connect a VPC to supported services
  • does not require an internet gateway, NAT, VPN or DirectConnect
  • instances dont require public ip adresses
  • uses AWS Private Link as connection Line
  • data does not leave AWS while communicatiing
  • doesn not support inter region communication

Interface Endpoint

  • eni with private ip adress in the target subnet

Gateway Endpoint

  • only for S3 and DynamoDB
  • gateway which you set as a route target

VPC Peering

  • connection between 2 VPCs using private adresses
  • not transitive
  • need to setup route tables

Transit Gatway

  • hub for multiple peering connections
  • attach options are, vpc, direct connect gateway or another transit gateway either as peering or vpn
  • MTU = max package size
  • MTU 85kbs if direct connect or peering vpc
  • MTU 15kbs if VPN
  • has a route table
  • route propagation
  • gives double throughput of virtual private gateway by using ECMP support

VPC Sharing

  • share one or more subnets within other accounts beloning to the same AWSOrganisations
  • every account can only work with the ressources they created

VPC Flow Logs

  • Capture Information about IP traffic through your interfacines
  • VPC Flow Logs
  • Subnet Flow Logs
  • ENI Flow Logs

Other Sources



  • ip information
  • port information
  • action (accept/reject)



  • not stateful
  • firewall on subnet level
  • for outbound traffic allow ephemeral ports 32768-65535 (all ports for diffrent services to listen for outbound traffic)

VPC Traffic Mirroring

  • capture and inspect network traffic
  • unintrusive
  • traffic gets direct to security applicance fleet
  • fleet redicet traffic back