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Amazon Simple Notification Service


Message queue with a subscriber model. It can send the same message to alot of diffrent services at once. Scales good but not indefinetly.


  • subscriber async model
  • one producer multiple consumers/subscribers
  • up to 12 million subscribtions per topic
  • up to 100k topics



Topic Publish

  • create a topic
  • add subscriptions to topic
  • publish to the topic

Direct Publish

  • for mobile apps
  • create platform app
  • create platform endpoint
  • publish to endpoint
  • Google GCM
  • Apple APNS
  • Amazon ADM ...


  • https by default
  • at rest using KMS
  • client side optional
  • iam for access control
  • sns access policies, ressource based for cross account or other services


  • same as SQS Fifo


  • json policies on a subscriber
  • will only recive msg which match the filter
  • can be used with fan out to split sns msgs to multiple deticated SQS queues