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Kinesis is a set of services for streaming real time or next to real time data in AWS. Its generaly more expensive and more difficult to setup than SQS but offers more features and higher performance.


  • region scoped
  • real time data streaming service
  • gigabytes of data per second
  • 100ks of sources
  • 2MBs/shard default shared between all consumers of kinesis streaam
  • use enhanced fan out to support multiple consumers, each consumer gets the 2mbs/shard
  • 1mbs input per shard
  • shards need to be provioned ahead of time
  • consume records up to 7 days later
  • multi applications consume the same stream
  • keep order of records
  • routing related records to the same consumer

Kineis Data Streams Detail

  • shards which split data and computing power


  • entry in kinesis
  • parition key which targets the shard
  • data blob (up to 1mb)
  • Producers can set 1mbs and 1000msg per sec per SHARD


  • recieves partion key, seceqnce number and blog
  • thoughput 2mbs per sec shared for all consumers
  • enhances 2mb per sec per consumer
  • apps using sdk
  • Lambda
  • kinesis firehouse
  • kinesis data analytics


  • between 1 and 365 days
  • can replay data
  • immutabilty


Provisoned Mode

  • choose numer of shards, scale manualy
  • 1mbs in 2 mbs sec out per shard
  • pay per shard per hour

On demand

  • default capacity provisoned (4mbs)
  • scales on throughput peak observed within the last 30 days
  • pay per hour and data in out per GB


  • KMS at rest
  • https in flight
  • IAM for access
  • can also use client side encryption
  • VPC endpoint for access from VPC
  • monitor with CloudTrail

Kinesis Streams vs Firehouse

  • Streams to capture data in real time, and ingest at scale
  • Firehouse to load streaming into aws data stores
  • Firehouse is not real time
  • Firehouse has close ended consumer options
  • Firehouse has a single target


  • load steaming data into data stores/ lakes and analytic tools
  • serverless
  • scales to data throughput
  • aws managed
  • batch
  • transform
  • encrypt
  • SINGLE consumer


  • pay per Data send
  • near real time (60 sec minimum)


  • Clients
  • Apps
  • SDK
  • Kinesis Agent
  • CloudWatch logs and events
  • kinesis data streams


  • S3
  • Redshift
  • Elasticsearch
  • Splunk
  • custom http endpoints

Data Analytics for SQL Application

  • serverless
  • pay per consumption rate
  • read from Data Streams or Firehouse
  • use SQL Statements while refrencing S3
  • send againt to another Kinesis Stream or Firehouse
  • stores data


  • Real Time anaytics
  • Use Flink (Java, Scala or SQL) to process or analyse streaming data
  • provison compute ressources
  • parallel computing
  • automatic scaling
  • backups
  • any apache flink feature
  • uses aws manged cluster behind the scenes


  • Kinesis Data Steams
  • MSK


  • more powerful queries
  • run complex queries

Data Ordering in SQS vs Kinesis

  • kinesis your producers need to use the same partition/shard key for related data
  • in SQS there is no ordering
  • in SQS FIFO there is only one consumer and order stays the same
  • in SQS FIFO queue if you want to send related data to diffrent consumers you use a group id, which works then similar to kinesis



  • pull data then delete message via api call from consumer
  • Message is processed by exacly one consumer (hopefully)
  • as many workers at you want
  • scales indefiently
  • need fifo for order


  • push same data to multiple subscribers
  • data is not persistent
  • fan out to combine with SQS


  • standard 2mb per shard pull data
  • consumers can consume data concurrently
  • enhanced fan ut 2mb per shard per consumer , push data
  • limited amount of consumers (by shard)
  • replay data
  • ment for real time big data
  • ordering at shard level
  • data will expire after x days