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Database Migiration Service


Migrate an exsisting database into another one. Can also do DB shema conversion.


  • seamlessly migrate
  • full set
  • resilient
  • self healing
  • data change capture
  • no code needed
  • replication instaces for scaling workloads
  • support continous repication
  • uses an EC2 instance to run dms software
  • if target is S3 it generates csv
  • can use in transit encrypt by add ca cert to endpoint




  • Transfer from Aws service to aws service sometimes but not always (e.g. RDS) needs to be in the same region and same account

Basic Schema copy

  • Create tables and indexes
  • Heterogenus migration ( Orcale to MySQL e.g.)

Schema conversion tool

  • Transfer DB from one schema to another
  • Move stored procedures aswell

RDS to Aurora MySQL

Option 1

Option 2

  • Create an Aurora read replica from RDS, when replication lag is 0 promote the replica to own DB cluster

Option 3 external to aws

  • Use percona xtrabackup and upload to S3
  • Create Aurora from S3

Option4 external to aws

  • Create Aurora
  • Use mysqldump to migrate into Aurora (slower than s3 method)

Option 5