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AWS Lambda


AWS Lambda means you dont care about any infrastructure, you just upload a function to aws. You can than use that function from other services like APIGateway, SNS or even CLI. You upload Lambda code as a zip.


  • Run code serverless
  • Pay per compute time
  • Scaling is automated
  • No charge if not running
  • Operates from AWS ownedVPC
  • By default only public traffic
  • You can enable function VPC access if you need private ressources from your VPC
  • Scale up based on request amount
  • Can set custom function timeout
  • Can be packaged and deployed as container images


  • Limited by time SHORT EXECUTIONS
  • if you need both private and public ressources, you will have to enable VPC access and use a nat gateway to access the internet


Lambda authorizer

  • Send additonal info based of bearer token or request context
  • Is useful because you can skip having too lookup users inside of your function (you pass the user data)
  • Dont pass credentials! (Though you could)

Compute Power

  • Relative to memory allocation which can be manually set

Lambda Layer

  • Zip archive which contains librarties, custom runtime and other dependecies
  • A single function can use up to 5 layers
  • Can use self created layers or already published ones
  • Unzipped size cannot exeed 250mb for a function and all layers which it depends on

Container Image

  • If using an image the image must implement the Lambda runtime api
  • ECS and Fargate are prefered for this use case


  • Pay per call first 1 mill are free
  • 0.20 cent per one million request after
  • Pay per duration 400000GB-Seconds per month free
  • Price scales up after that depending on gbseconds (more will be cheaper per gbsecond)

Limits Per Region


  • 128MB to 10GB in 1mb increments

Max Exec Time

  • 900 seconds/ 15 mins

ENV vars

  • 4kb for all vars together


  • 512MB to 10GB


  • 1000 but can be increased


Zip Size

  • 50 MB

Uncompressed With Dependencies

  • 250 MB


  • can use /tmp to load other files after/on startup