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Elastic Container Service


ECS is AWS Docker Service. You can launch and modify containers as tasks in multiple ways depending on your application and scale.

EC2 Based

  • Need to have a running EC2 as the host for your containers
  • You are billed for depending on the EC2
  • The EC2 Instance must be running the ecs agent

Fargate Based

  • Serverless
  • Billed for cpu and memory used
  • by default 20gb of free block storage


Instance Profile

  • Only used for host EC2
  • Used to create and run image on EC2

Task Role

  • Defines Permissons for the code running in the container (access to other services)


  • Scale on CPU, Mem or ELB traffic per target
  • Scaling Fargate is easier
  • Combine ecs cluster capacity prover paired with Auto Scaling group


  • Target tracking
  • Step caling
  • Scheduld scaling

Advanced Use Cases

  • Use EventBride or SQS to launch container, process tasks and shut down container afterwards