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Elastic Compute Cloud


EC2 is a the combination of a virtual mashine and hardware capacity attached to that vm in AWS. It is one of the oldest services and well integrated into most other services.

Virtual Machines (EC2)

Configuration Options

  • OS (Win, Linux, MacOs)
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • Network attached storage (EBS & EFS)
  • Hardware attached (InstanceStore)
  • Network Card (Speed, Ip)
  • Firewall (SecurityGroup)
  • Bootstrap script (User Data)

User Data

  • Is a script is run once on the first start of the instance
  • Script is run using root privileges

Use Cases

  • Installing updates
  • Installing software
  • Download files from the internet

Instance Types

Type Definition

  • Split by family
  • In family types are defined by Class.Generation.Size


General Purpose
  • Balance between, computing, memory and network speed
Compute Optimized
  • High cpu power
Use Cases
  • Ml
  • Media Transcoding
  • ...
Memory Optimized
  • High amount of RAM/Memory
Use Cases
  • Process large data sets in memory
  • Non relational databases
  • Cache stores
  • In memory databases
  • Real time proccessing of big unstructured data
Storage Optimzied
  • High amount of Disk IOPs
Use Cases
  • Alot of Datasets in local storage
  • High frequency online transaction processing systems
  • Databases
  • Cache for in mem databases (e.g. redis)
  • Distributed file systems
  • Data warehouse applications

Purcharsing Options

On Demand

  • Price by second
  • Use for short workload



  • 1 Year OR 3 Years
  • Cheaper than on demand
  • Need to specify type os, region, tenacy
  • Cheaper if payed upfront
  • Scope reserve in zone and AZ
  • You can sell peer to peer in marketplace


  • More expensive than default
  • Can change instance type, os, region, tenacy


  • 1 Year OR 3 Years
  • Up to same discount as default reserved instance
  • Commit to an amount of usage (cpu, mem, disk)
  • Beyond commit is billed on demand price
  • Locked to instance family and region
  • Can change os, tenancy, and instance size

Spot Instances

  • Cheapest
  • Can lose instance
  • Define max price you are willing to pay, if you are overbid your instance is gone

Use Cases

  • Short workloads
  • Suited for resiliant jobs
  • Distributed workloads (these are resiliant by definition)
  • batch jobs

Dedicated Hosts

  • Rent an entire physical server, control placement of that server
  • can use on demand or reserved
  • most expensive
  • can convert to dedicated instance

Use Cases

  • Complicance
  • Server bound software licences

Dedicated Instances

  • No other customer will share the hardware used by you
  • Hardeware may be shared within same account
  • No control over instance placement (hardware might be moved)
  • can convert to dedicated host

Capacity Reservations

  • Reserve a capacity in a AZ for duration (on demand instance)
  • No time commitment
  • No billig discount
  • Combine with Saving plan and Reserved Instances for same AZ to save money
  • Charged on demand price if instance is not running

#### Use Cases - short term uninterrupted workload in a specific az

Spot Instance

  • Request for an instance and the instance running itself is diffrent
  • If you terminate your instance but not the request the instance will be relaunched
  • If you cancel your request your instance will still be running Pasted image 20221101164159.png

Spot Blocks

  • Duration window of your Spot instance
  • 1 to 6 hours
  • designed to not be interrupted


  • Define multiple options for instance type , region etc
  • Define a budget and target capacity


  • Lowest price, launch from lowest price pool
  • Diversified, launch from all pools (resiliance)
  • Capacity optimized, launch from pool with strongest capacity settings

Elastic Ip

  • A static ip which can be attached to Elastic Network Interfaces and other services
  • Used to mask a fail by keeping ip but changing mashine
  • Up to 5 per account
  • Can request more than 5 from aws

Placement Groups

Placement strategy for a group ec2 instances


  • Multi AZ
  • Diffrent hardware
  • Limited to 7 instances per AZ per placement group
  • Use for critical apps and high availability


  • Same rack
  • Fast internal connection from ec2 to ec2
  • Used for low latency and big data jobs with deadline
  • Rack fail -> all EC2s fail


  • Multi AZ
  • Multi rack but same rack per partition

Use Case

  • big data application which are partition aware

ENI Elastic Network Interfaces

  • Virtual Network Card
  • Can be used not only for ec2
  • Eth0 = primary ENI
  • Primary private ip
  • Can add multiple for multiple private ips
  • Can attach elastic ip
  • Can attach mac adress
  • Can attach and detach from instance
  • Bound by AZ

EFA Elastic Fabric Adapter

  • use to accelerate high performance computing by providing os bypacc hardware interface
  • cannot be used for windows

ENA Elastic Network Adapter

  • use for high performance networking capabilitiies
  • slower than efa

EC2 Hibernate

  • Standby for EC2, ram is saved
  • Faster startup
  • Root EBS must be encrypted
  • Used for breaks in very long running tasks or if an instances takes very long to startup
  • Can last no longer than 60 days
  • Must be enabled before launch

EC2 Instance Recover

  • Creates a new EC2 instance which is identical to the previous ec2
  • recovers private and public ip, metadat, elastic ip, instandce id
  • data in memory is lost


  • by default your account has a maximum limit for ec2 instances based on the total vcpu used, you can submit a request to increase that limit